Postural habits can cause you to hold your self in positions and shapes of continuous strain.
About your posture, know this, long standing postural changes cause stress-related pressure to build up in your body. More often than not, ongoing stress leads to physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping, and so on. Research now suggests that this type of stress also brings on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.
Posture is related to both internal and external factors. And we know by relieving spinal tension you are better equipped to handle stress. For example, NetworkSpinal Chiropractic is centered around using your defensive postures as a source for internal feedback and reorganisation.

Common external causes of stress
■ Major life changes ■ Work or school ■ Relationship difficulties ■ Financial problems ■ Being too busy ■ Children and family.
Common internal causes of stress
■ Chronic worry ■ Pessimism ■ Negative self-talk ■ Unrealistic expectations / Perfectionism ■ Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility ■ All-or-nothing attitude
Posture and the Phone Generation
Consider the conclusions from two recent studies: “A significant linear trend for increasing postural translations of the head, thorax, pelvis, and knee were found in children aged from 4 years to 12 years.” (1)
Study after study is validating what Chiropractors and Osteopaths have seen for the past decade or more. Children at a younger and younger age are seeking relief from adult type pain and discomfort. What could be the cause of this increased frequency of young patients seeking care?
“All measurements of health status showed significantly poorer scored as plumb line deviation increased.” (1)
“Older men and women with hyper-kyphotic (mid-back hump) posture have higher mortality rates.” (1)
“Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.” (1)
I currently believe that the social and technological pressures that have arisen within the last 20 years have caused lots of the changes we are seeing today. And it appears that educating families and schools about the effect of Forward Head Posture and its adverse effects is vitally important! Please like and share this information.
For many years Chiropractic has helped people turn around the energy stored in peoples spines “stuck defensive postures” for better use. Both within the nerve system and the whole body.
You can also receive the benefits of greater flexibility in your spine and the ability to better handle stress if you decide to start looking after your spine.
The Healthpraxis is here for you email
or call 01795 360123
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