Movement is a Nutrient

You likely know that movement is crucial in your everyday tasks. But how much do you value movement as an essential nutrient for your life? 

Everything in our known physical universe arises because of movement (vibrations or oscillations). Our senses translate the subtle shifts in the world via a Morse Code of action and rest. This motion of activity and rest is considered to be like that of a pendulum or an oscillator.  

As you can imagine, some people are moving less and less throughout their lives. School, work, mobile phones and driving a car being the most obvious culprits. However, consider that unhealed injuries, trauma, chemical, emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wounds can affect how you move. Think about it holistically – unresolved wounds in your life may have far-reaching effects.

You may like to ask yourself, how am I interacting with others because of my life wounds or gifted life experiences?


Mechanoreceptors are the sensory organs that detect the vibrations of life in your body. When you have less movement, the decreased flow of sensory information-energy has an effect. The effect of reduced physical activity correlates with higher levels of pain. Meaning that your body is in a state of flight and flight; your stress responses have risen; there is more cortisol circulating within you; muscles are in spasm, and there is tightening of your arteries “Vasoconstriction”. 

Hides said poor movement, pain and degeneration can to be linked with the spine. Specifically, singled out is the Multifidus muscles. This is very interesting because these small muscles around the spine are a part of your body that helps link movement, balance and structural posture (Vestibular System). 


Another crucial fact is that spinal joints and the joints in your arms and legs can sometimes become strained. If your body joints do not move well, the constant sensory signals can cause you stress. One type of sensory signal that causes lots of stimulation for your body is called “Nociception.” When you have high levels of nociceptive sensory signals filtering into your central nervous system, the effects will likely cause your body to increase cortisol levels.


High levels of cortisol are draining! Often the drain is on protein in your muscles, bone, and connective tissues. Increased cortisol levels will disturb your sleep and hamper your immune system. Sadly conditions such as heart disease, various cancers, hypertension, depression, obesity, and diabetes are known to develop essentially due to high cortisol levels. Technically this is known as “Hypercortisolemia.”

Movement & Your Life

Don’t be confused by the details. Your whole body is a sense and movement generator and oscillator. And YES, you are a highly tuned organism that relies on the feedback and feed-forward from the entire matrix of cells-information-energy within you to vibrate in greater states of harmony. 

What does this mean for YOU? You must move your body! You must be a creative and active mover. You must move and plan to move every day of your life! You must also take your foot off the cortisol accelerators in your life. You can do this by improving your work and recreational life balance, spending LOTS of time in nature, and doing the things you LOVE. 

Of course, you must also make great food choices based on constant learning and appreciation of what nature offers you. Remember that The Healthpraxis & Chiropractic is here for you to know your body better, and the aim is to FOR YOU TO LIVE AND MOVE WELL.

Hides, Julie A. PhD; Richardson, Carolyn A. PhD; Jull, Gwendolen A. MPhty, 1999, Multifidus Muscle Recovery Is Not Automatic After Resolution of Acute, First-Episode Low Back Pain

Jiang, Hongxing MB, PhD; Moreau, Marc MD; Raso, James MASc; Russell, Gordon MB, ChB, MSc; Bagnall, Keith PhD, 1997, Identification of the Location, Extent, and Pathway of Sensory Neurologic Feedback After Mechanical Stimulation of a Lateral Spinal Ligament in Chickens

D R Seaman, J F Winterstein, 1998, Dysafferentation: a novel term to describe the neuropathophysiological effects of joint complex dysfunction. A look at likely mechanisms of symptom generation