Life may seem to be in danger of being suffocated by talking and the written word and a technology invasion!
Rarely are we able to willingly accept what is happening all around us as GENUINE LIFE EXPERIENCES full of meaning. We are overwhelmed by mountains of memes, books, articles, speeches, lectures, and guides. All prepared to tell us what is LIFE and what it is not. What was done by whom and when and why and because of whom and what. We’re distracted by knowledge dissected by crowds of eager surgeons and analysts. And we feel tempted to assume that LIFE is unsure of itself because we think and talk too much about it.
Shallow perspectives are just that – shallow or superficial. So lets make a conscious effort to be, see hear, and feel life through our own senses. In this case, we’ll likely find that we are all descendants of a cultural knowledge based and technological situation unsuited to taking part in LIFE and likely to encourage the ‘wrong’ kinds of thinking about it.
To the author, it seems typical that our experiences and ideas tend to be shared but not deep, or to be profound but not familiar. We have divorced the gift of comprehending things through our senses. Because concept is divorced of order, and thought moves among an assortment of hoovered and rarely well diagnosed philosophies. Our eyes have been reduced to instruments that identify and measure; hence we suffer a rareness of PALPABLE EXPERIENCE and an incapacity to discover meaning in what we experience. Naturally, we seem lost in the presence of a mind that deludes our sense, and we seek shelter in the more familiar medium of words, “social media.”
‘Hopefully, the irony of the medium through which these statements pass will not be lost on you.’
Our wholesome lesson might be to remember and actively discovery that LIFE is not a mechanical fitting together of elements. Instead, LIFE is the appreciation of meaningful lived interactions. Therefore, encouragement is given for all of us to recognise and take part in the exhaled kind of living that leads to the creation of heartfelt living.
LIFE can be experienced as ‘playful’ because it involves, evolves, and enjoys finding and giving forth MORE LIFE AND MORE MEANING. Life itself and the Beings involved become better and more harmonious instruments to a better quality of life.