How does Chiropractic work?


Working with people in a Chiropractic office using hands on skills to aid people in their life journey is a wonderful undertaking. Sometimes there are question that cannot be answered quickly during a persons appointment. Especially questions like “How does the Chiropractic adjustment work?” The answers are bound in years of study and application. However, … Read more

Spinal Nerve Anatomy

Most blogs that this author writes are oriented to the client. This blog ,however, is also for Chiropractors. At times, like this, there is a need to express with sheer amazement how wonderful it is to know and work with people’s spines. Chiropractors love people and we love helping people. We also love spines and … Read more

Painful Symptoms & Your Posture

Your posture is always something you need to be careful of. In the meantime let’s celebrate “Correct” Posture Month by giving you some information to determine how your posture may be affecting your wellness. By taking steps to understand your posture, you could reduce some of the pains and aches you’re experiencing in your body.  … Read more

The Importance of Body Language

While communicating with one another, your body language shows up as non-verbal communication and non-verbal expressions and these gestures have more influence than you would expect. You might not realize it, but how you communicate may actually be more important than what you are saying.  Maybe you have noticed that someone’s behaviour and body language … Read more

How Touch Can Impact Your Life

It has been noted that mammals (that also means humans just like you and me) benefit hugely from touch. Touching comes in many forms like scratching, rubbing, pulling-pushing, play fighting, combing hair, holding hands, kissing, and cuddling. Group or couple activities that allow for touch create ease and a sense of safety for one and … Read more


Life may seem to be in danger of being suffocated by talking and the written word and a technology invasion! Rarely are we able to willingly accept what is happening all around us as GENUINE LIFE EXPERIENCES full of meaning. We are overwhelmed by mountains of memes, books, articles, speeches, lectures, and guides. All prepared … Read more

Arthritis is happening for YOU!

Arthritis is happening for you. Arthritis is what happens with bones, and to be specific, it usually happens at the joints between bones. Fortunately, osteoarthritis or arthrosis is not very painful. Other types of arthritis can be considerably agonising and crippling. Sometimes people use the term ‘rheumatism’ for any joint pain. This is technically correct … Read more