Thank you for scheduling your new patient appointment with The Healthpraxis. Please click the appropriate new patient intake form below.
Please bring the completed form to your appointment.

New Patient Examination 85-min and Personalised Results Review. Total investment £70.
Please may you bring along a pair of shorts and a tee shirt for your new patient examination / structure-posture picture. You may need to show your arms, legs and spine/torso thus appropriate clothing is a must. Gowns are provided as well, nonetheless it is better to be prepared.
Please email me any X-ray, ultrasound or MRI images and information you have. I would be grateful to study this type of information ahead of your examination, thank you.
12 STEPS of how The Healthpraxis – Faversham Chiropractic office runs
1. Chiropractic is different from Medicine
2. Health, Ease, and Well-being are NORMAL
3. Your nerve system controls everything
4. Stress CAN overload YOUR nerve system
5. Nerve stress may cause, Sprains-Stains-Splinting-Irritation anywhere within the neuro-musculoskeletal system
6. You will receive a thorough examination
7. Your exam results we be explained in plain language
8. A series of appointments will likely be necessary
9. Chiropractic adjustments do not ‘treat’ symptoms
10. Consistent visits help retrain your whole body
11. You control the speed of your recovery
12. You can choose recovery care, corrective care and wellness care here
Every persons needs are different and a course of care will be recommended which will be specific to your personal needs. Your health can improve! You can take a healing journey from where you are right now and go to a place of optimal health, where you feel great, have an abundance of energy, and can do the things you want to do.
Chiropractic appointments £30. each. and are paid for at each appointment.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:
Call: 01795 360123
The Healthpraxis – Faversaham Chiropractic, Apotheca, 13 West Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7JE